Knights of Columbus
Kingston Council # 275


St. Catherine Laboure

Baby Bottle Campaign – Change for Life – Our parish is participating once again in a baby bottle campaign to raise funds for BRAVO to help provide crisis counseling, maternity care, and tangible assistance with providing for the needs of babies and toddlers. Empty bottles may be picked up at the back of each church and filled with loose change, cash, or write a check to “BRAVO”. Bottles are due back by Wednesday March 20th. Your change can save lives! (Also at St. Joeseph’s)

Stations of the Cross take place on Fridays immediately
after Mass and again at 7pm with benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament.

Our prayers can save lives and change hearts. 40 Days for Life is a life-saving prayer campaign that will take place throughout our Archdiocese now through Sunday March 24th . 40 Days for Life is a peaceful initiative consisting of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and educational outreach with the goal of protecting mothers and their children from abortion. More than 24,000 unborn children have been saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns. To learn more about the 40 Days for Life campaign, visit For information about participating in the 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Archdiocese, contact Mary, (Goshen), 917-817-9174,, or Wendy (Newburgh)

FIRST PENANCE Last Saturday, February 24th, the children in the Sacrament class of our Religious Education program received the Sacrament of Penance for the first time. They are: Blake Dominowski, Evelyn Fajardo, Easton Klippel, Jayce Klippel, Isabella Noonan, Deaven Recinos, Maggie Shambo and Carlo Tulimero. The parish joins in their joy of this celebration and prays for them as they continue on their faith journey and preparation for their First Holy Communion in May! Kingston Catholic School Performance of Frozen Jr. 3/8 & 3/9 at 7:00PM and 3/10 at 5:00PM for tickets call 845-768-3422