Knights of Columbus
Kingston Council # 275


Welcome, If this website information is interesting or helpful please tell your family, friends, fellow parishioners and neighbors about it. If you have suggestions or comments use the contact us page.
NEEDED Catholic men join us at Kingston Knights Council # 275 Vivat Jesus!

What does Christmas mean to me and my family
Essay Contest Awards Presentation January 29th Immaculate Conception School6:00PM
Olivia McCasland 1st grade
Philip Fitzgerald 2nd grade
Nola McDermott 3rd grade
Taylor Niles 4th grade
Joseph Kovacs 5th grade
William Kieser 6th grade
Finnegan McGuire 7th grade

Kingston Council # 275 is Located at the Immaculate Conception School 471 Delaware Ave. Kingston, NY 12401
John Weber Grand Knight (pending council vote)
PO Box 1547
Kingston, NY 12402

The Parishes we serve :

  • St. Catherine Laboure 200 Tuytenbridge Rd, Lake Katrine, NY 12449  (845) 382-1133
  • St. Colman 18 Brigham St. Kingston, NY 12401  (845) 382-1133
  • St. Joseph’s 242 Wall St. Kingston, NY 12401  (845) 481-4560
  • St. Mary’s/St. Peter’s 160 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401  (845) 331-0301
  • Immaculate Conception 467 Delaware Ave, Kingston, NY 12401  (845) 331-0846
  • Church of St. PETER P.O. Box 471 1017 Keator Ave, Rosendale, NY 12472 (845) 658-3117
  • Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church 209 Hoyt St., Port Ewen, NY 12466 (845) 331-0053
  • Sacred Heart Church 1055 Broadway, Esopus, NY 12459 (845) 384-6828<br><br>

Council contact phone # (845) 309-8546
Chancellor: Paul Kaminsky